April McCloudApril McCloud [she/her] is a 1% bionic human who worships her cat and hopes to be reincarnated as a red panda. Having advanced degrees in library science and teaching English to speakers of other languages, she is passionate about diversity and inclusivity in her writing. Her work is informed by her lived experience with multiple marginalizations, including disability, LGBTQIA+, socioeconomic marginality, and neurospiciness.
Her creative focus is on genre fiction and her writing brand can best be described as “dark night of the phoenix.” Through surviving heart-rending hardships, her protagonists are reborn stronger, wiser, and more beautiful for all their scars. A number of her shorter works, including fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction about her own hardships, have been published in journals such as Blue Unicorn, FLARE, Every Day Fiction, Miracle Monocle, Knee Brace Press, Five Minutes, and Aurtistic Zine, among others. Her rare, congenital heart disease has put her through several SCAs (Sudden Cardiac Arrests), from which she has been rescued by her implanted defibrillator (nice try heart, I’m still here!). When her body isn’t busy trying to kill her, she enjoys reading, video games, anime, and D&D. If spoons allow, she also partakes of blacksmithing, martial arts, running, and traveling. She is a struggling practitioner of Zen Buddhism and becoming more true neutral every day. April can be found lurking and working in libraries in the city of Rochester, NY, or on an adventure with her cat, Inari, who likes to give high fives, has flown first class, and visited fourteen states and Canada. See what April’s working on and check out her other publications at <www.aprilmccloud.com> Follow her on Goodreads or Twitter @mccloudwrites Represented by: Marisa Corvisiero and Ciara Smith |