Red Bank, NJ Writers Workshop By The River
SEPTEMBER 28, 2019
VIP Authors: September 27 & 28, 2019
VIP Authors: September 27 & 28, 2019
The Workshop:
We are excited to announce our second Red Bank, Author-Preneur Workshop by the River in September. This event is an amazing multilayered interactive full day workshop with presentations by Literary Agent Marisa A. Corvisiero, Esq., her Corvisiero Literary Agency colleagues, and other key industry professional guests dedicated to authors’ success.
The workshop is presented at a beautiful location by the Navesink River in Red Bank, NJ, where the setting is relaxing and inspiring. Light breakfast, lunch, and social mixer will be provided.
We offer this wonderful and hands on workshop to authors of all genres at all levels of their careers with the mindful goal of imparting writing, publishing industry, business, and mindset knowledge, while sharpening skills to attain success in the fastest possible period of time. This is a two day retreat for authors to really get immersed into the mindset of growth, honing skills, learning publishing options, industry practices, getting insider tips and guidance on everything from plotting to submissions to publishing deals. In addition to the lectures and hands on drafting exercises, authors will enjoy mediation sessions, goal setting practices, presentation by success coach, and much much more. The goal of this workshop is to help authors not just think like creative author-preneurs, but Successful Author-Preneurs.
During this retreat like full day workshop authors have the opportunity to attend various Presentations, pitch Literary Agents and Editors (Optional), get a book signed by Bestselling Author Megan Erickson during our Mixer, get work critiqued by Agents and Editors (Optional), attend the Critical Mass: First Page Critique Literary Agent and Editor Panel, and Network with authors and industry professionals all day long and during a Networking Mixer after hours.
We are excited to announce our second Red Bank, Author-Preneur Workshop by the River in September. This event is an amazing multilayered interactive full day workshop with presentations by Literary Agent Marisa A. Corvisiero, Esq., her Corvisiero Literary Agency colleagues, and other key industry professional guests dedicated to authors’ success.
The workshop is presented at a beautiful location by the Navesink River in Red Bank, NJ, where the setting is relaxing and inspiring. Light breakfast, lunch, and social mixer will be provided.
We offer this wonderful and hands on workshop to authors of all genres at all levels of their careers with the mindful goal of imparting writing, publishing industry, business, and mindset knowledge, while sharpening skills to attain success in the fastest possible period of time. This is a two day retreat for authors to really get immersed into the mindset of growth, honing skills, learning publishing options, industry practices, getting insider tips and guidance on everything from plotting to submissions to publishing deals. In addition to the lectures and hands on drafting exercises, authors will enjoy mediation sessions, goal setting practices, presentation by success coach, and much much more. The goal of this workshop is to help authors not just think like creative author-preneurs, but Successful Author-Preneurs.
During this retreat like full day workshop authors have the opportunity to attend various Presentations, pitch Literary Agents and Editors (Optional), get a book signed by Bestselling Author Megan Erickson during our Mixer, get work critiqued by Agents and Editors (Optional), attend the Critical Mass: First Page Critique Literary Agent and Editor Panel, and Network with authors and industry professionals all day long and during a Networking Mixer after hours.
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday, September 28, 2019 (Tentative), at The Oyster Point Hotel, Bodman Place, Red Bank, NJ 07701.
Phone: 732.759.9175
Conveniently located about one hour from NY City.
Valet parking complimentary.
Train Station: Red Bank – North Jersey Coast line located just 5 minutes away.
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday, September 28, 2019 (Tentative), at The Oyster Point Hotel, Bodman Place, Red Bank, NJ 07701.
Phone: 732.759.9175
Conveniently located about one hour from NY City.
Valet parking complimentary.
Train Station: Red Bank – North Jersey Coast line located just 5 minutes away.

The Presenter: Marisa A. Corvisiero
Marisa A. Corvisiero, Esq. is a Literary Agent and the Founder of the Corvisiero Literary Agency. She is also an Author Coach, Literary Consultant, Speaker, Author, and Attorney with over eighteen years of experience in Corporate Law and Trust & Estates in New York City. She holds a Jurist Doctorate from Pace University School of Law with a focus in Corporate and International Law. She also received a Bachelors in Business Administration from Hofstra University with majors in International Business and Marketing, with a focus on finance, and Minors in Italian and Spanish.
Marisa began her publishing career as an agent at L. Perkins Associates, before founding her own agency, which now has nine agents, two apprentices, and several interns. She has attended more than 70 writing conferences, and hosted or participated in numerous boot-camps, workshops, webinars, and tutorials instructing on the craft and business of writing at many of those events, including Writing Digest, Writers Day Workshops, RT, RWA and local chapters, SCBWI, etc. She represents a broad array of fiction and nonfiction — books for both children and adults, and instructs frequently on topics such as literary agents, getting published, e-publishing, successful writing techniques, selling & pitching your book, mindset for authors, publishing contracts, and more. Marisa loves teaching writers how to get published, and is excited about being the presenter for the Red Bank LitPow Author-Preneur Workshop. As an agent, she represents contemporary romance, thrillers, adventure, paranormal / urban fantasy, science fiction, or any combination of the genres listed. For Middle Grade she enjoys fantasy, adventure, and science fiction). For picture books she is always seeking special stories that deliver a subtle, non-didactic message; illustrations not needed. She is also actively acquiring self-help, inspirational, mainstream science, and business books.
Marisa A. Corvisiero, Esq. is a Literary Agent and the Founder of the Corvisiero Literary Agency. She is also an Author Coach, Literary Consultant, Speaker, Author, and Attorney with over eighteen years of experience in Corporate Law and Trust & Estates in New York City. She holds a Jurist Doctorate from Pace University School of Law with a focus in Corporate and International Law. She also received a Bachelors in Business Administration from Hofstra University with majors in International Business and Marketing, with a focus on finance, and Minors in Italian and Spanish.
Marisa began her publishing career as an agent at L. Perkins Associates, before founding her own agency, which now has nine agents, two apprentices, and several interns. She has attended more than 70 writing conferences, and hosted or participated in numerous boot-camps, workshops, webinars, and tutorials instructing on the craft and business of writing at many of those events, including Writing Digest, Writers Day Workshops, RT, RWA and local chapters, SCBWI, etc. She represents a broad array of fiction and nonfiction — books for both children and adults, and instructs frequently on topics such as literary agents, getting published, e-publishing, successful writing techniques, selling & pitching your book, mindset for authors, publishing contracts, and more. Marisa loves teaching writers how to get published, and is excited about being the presenter for the Red Bank LitPow Author-Preneur Workshop. As an agent, she represents contemporary romance, thrillers, adventure, paranormal / urban fantasy, science fiction, or any combination of the genres listed. For Middle Grade she enjoys fantasy, adventure, and science fiction). For picture books she is always seeking special stories that deliver a subtle, non-didactic message; illustrations not needed. She is also actively acquiring self-help, inspirational, mainstream science, and business books.
The Program:
8:00 to 8:30 Check In, Registration Check-in starts at 8:00. Please register here in advance to secure your spot. Authors may register on location unless otherwise noted here that registration is closed. Or e-mail us directly to ask ahead of time at [email protected].
8:30 - 9:00 Introductions, and Preparing to Pitch Agents and Editors
We will start the morning with an informative overview of the workshop, our goals, and how the pitch sessions will work. We will briefly discuss the elements of a good pitch and share tips to prepare everyone for their pitches with agents and editors.
9:00 - 9:30 I've Written a Book...What's Next?
This session's goal is to provide informative overview about the publishing industry, with a focus on readiness and learning about the various publishing options available to authors and writing as a business. The discussion will cover how to prepare for publishing; how each publishing model works, the benefits and drawbacks of each, and how to diversify these options by using the Hybrid Model to publish faster, increase readership, and earn more income.
9:30 to 10:30 Finding, Pitching, and Hooking the Right Literary Agent
During this session we will discuss everything authors need to know about what agents do, how to find them, how to pick the right one, how to pitch their projects properly, and how to prepare the best submission package for optimal results. The discussion includes details about how to draft the query letter and synopsis, and key elements that agents look for in the first few pages of the manuscript or book proposal for non fiction submission.
10:30 to 11:45 Plotting Toward Success
Storytelling is an art form. During this presentation we will discuss the key elements that agents, editors, and readers value in stories. We will focus on plot structure, world building, setting, character development, and delivering that ultimate satisfaction that will get you the offer that you always dreamed of. The second part of this workshop is an interactive session designed to help authors with plot structure to improve pacing, tension, scene development, etc with an eye toward spotting issues that can be easily fixed.
11:45 to 12:00 Embracing the #WriteMindset
Brief discussion about getting our heads into the game. In order to be creative we need to be in a creative mindset, but mindset is so much more than embracing creativity. Mindset is everything. It applies to everything from creativity to efficiency, to growth, and ultimately to success and happiness. During this section we will discuss how to embrace the growth mindset and learn how to 'Mind Our Business'.
12:00 to 1:30 Lunch Break
Free time. Be sure to nourish and hydrate!
1:30 to 2:30 Critical Mass: Agent and Editor First Page Critique Panel
All participants are encouraged to anonymously submit the first page of their fiction manuscript or memoir (no picture books) for a fun and expertly informative live critique. The panel is comprised of our guest Faculty of experienced editors from reputable publishing companies and literary agents from several different agencies. We will randomly choose about 10 first pages to be critiqued, time permitting. The moderator will read the page out loud and the panelists will ring their gong as soon as they decide that they would have stopped reading the page. When three gongs have been rang, the moderator will then prompt the panelists to discuss their decision and provide constructive criticism.
Block I
2:30 to 3:00 Building an Author Platform and Brand, and Marketing Books This presentation will thoroughly cover the essentials of building and growing a platform and marketing books; what is a platform, who needs one and why, with a focus on branding and promoting. As the necessity for author platforms continues to grow, our goal is to help Authors be able to bring their projects to their readers and increase their visibility so that they sell more books and continue to reach new readers.
3:00 to 3:30 Branded! Going Public:
Once we've discussed the foundation of platform building we will delve deeper into the author brand and its importance. We will discuss everything from creating the perfect author profile to social media. Our focus will include setting up profiles, implementing brand elements, and utilizing social media tools effectively.
Block II New!
2:30 to 3:30 Perfecting Your Synopsis: Mini-Book Camp (Part 2)
Authors may register in advance to participate in this mini-bootcamp specifically designed to help authors draft, organize, and polish their synopsis to perfection. This segment of our workshop is structured into three parts. Part 1: Authors submit their synopsis for evaluation and comments from literary agents. Part 2: is this scheduled slot during the workshop on Saturday. The group will meet for an hour and a half to participate in a hands on workshop section presented by Saritza Hernandez. The presentation includes detailed information on how to properly draft a synopsis, what should be included and what must be excluded in order to make your story shine on one to two pages. After the presentation the participants break out into smaller groups and will work with attending agents and editors as well as their peers to evaluate and perfect their synopsis. Part 3: After the workshop the students will have up to 10 days to make edits and incorporate feedback as needed to get their synopsis in its best shape. Once complete authors are encouraged to e-mail the synopsis to the reviewing agent again for final feedback. Prior separate registration is required in advance (see the registration form. $90) due to very limited space and to ensure that all 3 Parts of the mini-bootcamp are properly completed. This section is included in the Author-Preneur VIP Package.
Block I
3:30 to 4:30 Demystifying Publishing Deals
Publishing 101 discussion about what happens after work is pitched to publishers, from the offer to the contract, and everything in between, with examples of possible outcomes and solid advice. Important terms are explained and compared to industry standards to help authors set expectations and help them choose the best deals, and negotiate the most favorable terms that lead to success in publishing.
Block II
3:30 to 4:30 Who Did What? Key Steps to Developing Relatable Characters
Craft session dedicated entirely to the art of creating relatable and realistic characters that forge a lasting connection with the reader. The key to character formation is in really getting to know your characters. Everyone is different in the world and they should also be different in your book. Specific personality traits and having a well formed character from appearance to internal conflicts will not only set your characters apart, make them memorable, and hook the reader into following in the character's journey, but it will also help your plot run it's course and flow naturally.
4:30 to 5:00 Successful Author Mindset
Discussions on preparedness. Knowing your options is half the battle. The other half is your mindset and getting ready to see the opportunities when they arise, and making the right decisions based on knowledge and emotional fitness from a place of preparedness, abundance, and gratitude to reach optimal results.
5:00 Networking Mixer
Immediately following the workshop Authors are invited to join the Speaker, Agents, Editors and Staff by the fireplace sitting area for some drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and lots of mingling!
**Schedule times are a work in progress and are subject to small changes.
8:00 to 8:30 Check In, Registration Check-in starts at 8:00. Please register here in advance to secure your spot. Authors may register on location unless otherwise noted here that registration is closed. Or e-mail us directly to ask ahead of time at [email protected].
8:30 - 9:00 Introductions, and Preparing to Pitch Agents and Editors
We will start the morning with an informative overview of the workshop, our goals, and how the pitch sessions will work. We will briefly discuss the elements of a good pitch and share tips to prepare everyone for their pitches with agents and editors.
9:00 - 9:30 I've Written a Book...What's Next?
This session's goal is to provide informative overview about the publishing industry, with a focus on readiness and learning about the various publishing options available to authors and writing as a business. The discussion will cover how to prepare for publishing; how each publishing model works, the benefits and drawbacks of each, and how to diversify these options by using the Hybrid Model to publish faster, increase readership, and earn more income.
9:30 to 10:30 Finding, Pitching, and Hooking the Right Literary Agent
During this session we will discuss everything authors need to know about what agents do, how to find them, how to pick the right one, how to pitch their projects properly, and how to prepare the best submission package for optimal results. The discussion includes details about how to draft the query letter and synopsis, and key elements that agents look for in the first few pages of the manuscript or book proposal for non fiction submission.
10:30 to 11:45 Plotting Toward Success
Storytelling is an art form. During this presentation we will discuss the key elements that agents, editors, and readers value in stories. We will focus on plot structure, world building, setting, character development, and delivering that ultimate satisfaction that will get you the offer that you always dreamed of. The second part of this workshop is an interactive session designed to help authors with plot structure to improve pacing, tension, scene development, etc with an eye toward spotting issues that can be easily fixed.
11:45 to 12:00 Embracing the #WriteMindset
Brief discussion about getting our heads into the game. In order to be creative we need to be in a creative mindset, but mindset is so much more than embracing creativity. Mindset is everything. It applies to everything from creativity to efficiency, to growth, and ultimately to success and happiness. During this section we will discuss how to embrace the growth mindset and learn how to 'Mind Our Business'.
12:00 to 1:30 Lunch Break
Free time. Be sure to nourish and hydrate!
1:30 to 2:30 Critical Mass: Agent and Editor First Page Critique Panel
All participants are encouraged to anonymously submit the first page of their fiction manuscript or memoir (no picture books) for a fun and expertly informative live critique. The panel is comprised of our guest Faculty of experienced editors from reputable publishing companies and literary agents from several different agencies. We will randomly choose about 10 first pages to be critiqued, time permitting. The moderator will read the page out loud and the panelists will ring their gong as soon as they decide that they would have stopped reading the page. When three gongs have been rang, the moderator will then prompt the panelists to discuss their decision and provide constructive criticism.
Block I
2:30 to 3:00 Building an Author Platform and Brand, and Marketing Books This presentation will thoroughly cover the essentials of building and growing a platform and marketing books; what is a platform, who needs one and why, with a focus on branding and promoting. As the necessity for author platforms continues to grow, our goal is to help Authors be able to bring their projects to their readers and increase their visibility so that they sell more books and continue to reach new readers.
3:00 to 3:30 Branded! Going Public:
Once we've discussed the foundation of platform building we will delve deeper into the author brand and its importance. We will discuss everything from creating the perfect author profile to social media. Our focus will include setting up profiles, implementing brand elements, and utilizing social media tools effectively.
Block II New!
2:30 to 3:30 Perfecting Your Synopsis: Mini-Book Camp (Part 2)
Authors may register in advance to participate in this mini-bootcamp specifically designed to help authors draft, organize, and polish their synopsis to perfection. This segment of our workshop is structured into three parts. Part 1: Authors submit their synopsis for evaluation and comments from literary agents. Part 2: is this scheduled slot during the workshop on Saturday. The group will meet for an hour and a half to participate in a hands on workshop section presented by Saritza Hernandez. The presentation includes detailed information on how to properly draft a synopsis, what should be included and what must be excluded in order to make your story shine on one to two pages. After the presentation the participants break out into smaller groups and will work with attending agents and editors as well as their peers to evaluate and perfect their synopsis. Part 3: After the workshop the students will have up to 10 days to make edits and incorporate feedback as needed to get their synopsis in its best shape. Once complete authors are encouraged to e-mail the synopsis to the reviewing agent again for final feedback. Prior separate registration is required in advance (see the registration form. $90) due to very limited space and to ensure that all 3 Parts of the mini-bootcamp are properly completed. This section is included in the Author-Preneur VIP Package.
Block I
3:30 to 4:30 Demystifying Publishing Deals
Publishing 101 discussion about what happens after work is pitched to publishers, from the offer to the contract, and everything in between, with examples of possible outcomes and solid advice. Important terms are explained and compared to industry standards to help authors set expectations and help them choose the best deals, and negotiate the most favorable terms that lead to success in publishing.
Block II
3:30 to 4:30 Who Did What? Key Steps to Developing Relatable Characters
Craft session dedicated entirely to the art of creating relatable and realistic characters that forge a lasting connection with the reader. The key to character formation is in really getting to know your characters. Everyone is different in the world and they should also be different in your book. Specific personality traits and having a well formed character from appearance to internal conflicts will not only set your characters apart, make them memorable, and hook the reader into following in the character's journey, but it will also help your plot run it's course and flow naturally.
4:30 to 5:00 Successful Author Mindset
Discussions on preparedness. Knowing your options is half the battle. The other half is your mindset and getting ready to see the opportunities when they arise, and making the right decisions based on knowledge and emotional fitness from a place of preparedness, abundance, and gratitude to reach optimal results.
5:00 Networking Mixer
Immediately following the workshop Authors are invited to join the Speaker, Agents, Editors and Staff by the fireplace sitting area for some drinks, hors d'oeuvres, and lots of mingling!
**Schedule times are a work in progress and are subject to small changes.
This is a VIP comprehensive package of services and personalized experience for authors dedicated to their craft, career, business, and growth, with the common goal of building relationships and reaching success in the fastest possible time.
We are now offering VIP registration: The goal of this VIP group is to assist each author with their specific needs and help them embark on the publishing road with confidence. VIP Registration Package is $850. (Christmas Gifting Discount 20% off - Register today only for $680.00 and save $170!)
Authors may join our VIP Community by filling out the VIP Registration form (button to the left) designed to help us learn more about you, your needs, your level, and your goals. Space is limited to 10 authors. This exclusive experience package includes the VIP Experience on Friday, September 28, 2018, registration to the workshop as well as all of the perks of the workshop.
The Networking Afternoon Tea will be followed by a fun (Possibilities are: Beach, Arcade, Ice Skating, Comic Book Shop, Escape Room, Kayaking, Yoga, Show, etc. Depending on time and weather. We'll plan this together ahead of time.) local activity in Red Bank 5:00 pm and Dinner at 7:00 pm or immediately following our visit to the observatory (Venue TBD). Outing, Tea, and Dinner expenses are included in the package price. Hotel room discounts also offered. |
Pitches, Evaluations, and Critiques...Oh My!
Pitch Appointments:
Authors may register in advance for a ten-minute appointment to meet one-on-one with Literary Agent or Editor and pitch their work through the day. Authors may register for multiple 10-minute appointments at $30 per pitch session with different agents and/or editors. This is the perfect opportunity to meet agents and editors face to face, offer them the work for consideration, bypass slush-piles, get feedback and forge relationships with experienced and reputable industry professionals.
Query Critiques:
Authors are encouraged to register for an in-depth personal critique ($60 per query letter) of their query letters from the day’s instructor Literary Agent and Author-Preneur Coach, Marisa A. Corvisiero, Esq. Query letters are e-mailed to the presenter in advance, so that authors receive feedback, tips, and suggestions before the workshop. This will assist authors to get their work ready to pitch during the one-on-one appointments, and submit to agents and editors with confidence following the workshop.
First 10 Page Evaluation with an Editor:
Authors are encouraged to register for an in-depth editorial evaluation of the first ten pages of their manuscript ($70) from one of our guest Editors. (Agents with significant editing experience are also participating). You may also request a 10 minute appointment with the evaluator to review the Evaluation, discuss the comments, ask questions, and brainstorm issues ($100). The benefit of setting up an appointment with the Evaluator is that we guarantee that you get to meet with the person who reviewed your manuscript. The pages are e-mailed to the evaluator in advance, so that authors receive feedback, tips, and suggestions before the workshop if possible. This will assist authors to get their work ready to pitch during the one-on-one appointments, and submit to agents and editors with confidence following the workshop.
Perfecting Your Synopsis: Mini-Book Camp (Part 2):
Authors may register in advance to participate in this mini-bootcamp specifically designed to help authors draft, organize, and polish their synopsis to perfection. This segment of our workshop is structured into three parts. Part 1: Authors submit their synopsis for evaluation and comments from literary agents. Part 2: is this scheduled slot during the workshop on Saturday. The group will meet for an hour and a half to participate in a hands on workshop section presented by Saritza Hernandez. The presentation includes detailed information on how to properly draft a synopsis, what should be included and what must be excluded in order to make your story shine on one to two pages. After the presentation the participants break out into smaller groups and will work with attending agents and editors as well as their peers to evaluate and perfect their synopsis. Part 3: After the workshop the students will have up to 10 days to make edits and incorporate feedback as needed to get their synopsis in its best shape. Once complete authors are encouraged to e-mail the synopsis to the reviewing agent again for final feedback. Separate registration is required in advance (see the registration form. $90) due to very limited space and to ensure that all 3 Parts of the mini-bootcamp are properly completed. This section is included in the Author-Preneur VIP Package.
Coaching Session or Consultation:
Authors may sign up for a coaching session or a consultation with Marisa Corvisiero upon request. Appointments are in 15 minute increments ($50) per time slot. Appointments may be before, during, or after the workshop, in person, on the phone or via Skype. Consultation topics may range on everything from brainstorming, to specific material review, to career strategy to contracts and more.
VIP Registration:
Special registration allows authors to spend personal time with the faculty and organizers, and are invite into our VIP Author Community. This is a program for authors that are serious about their craft and goals, and that they are willing to work hard, learn and help others... because after all, that's what a community is about. This isn't just a service, it's an experience and an opportunity to learn and forge connections with agents, editors, and other authors that will help you grow and succeed. We believe that the best type of success is the type that allows you to live your dreams with friends in gratitude and generosity. Christmas Gifting Discount SALE $680!!!.
- Exclusive VIP treatment on Friday September 27, 2019. Afternoon Tea in private setting to meet, greet, consult and brainstorm with organizers and faculty. Followed by fun night on the town (Red Bank) and dinner. (Possibly more added on, stay tuned)
- Query Letter Critique
- Evaluation of their first 10 pages and an appointment with the evaluator, or evaluation of their non-fiction proposal and appointment with evaluator
- Perfecting Your Synopsis - 3 Part Mini-Bootcamp
- Unlimited Pitch appointments live or via Skype with any and all agents and editors of their choice once
- Consultation Session one on one with Marisa Corvisiero
- Access to Corvisiero VIP Author Community Group on Facebook (You will be given access as soon as your registration is confirmed so that you can get acquainted)
- Special discounts to other CLA events and programs
Pitch Appointments:
Authors may register in advance for a ten-minute appointment to meet one-on-one with Literary Agent or Editor and pitch their work through the day. Authors may register for multiple 10-minute appointments at $30 per pitch session with different agents and/or editors. This is the perfect opportunity to meet agents and editors face to face, offer them the work for consideration, bypass slush-piles, get feedback and forge relationships with experienced and reputable industry professionals.
Query Critiques:
Authors are encouraged to register for an in-depth personal critique ($60 per query letter) of their query letters from the day’s instructor Literary Agent and Author-Preneur Coach, Marisa A. Corvisiero, Esq. Query letters are e-mailed to the presenter in advance, so that authors receive feedback, tips, and suggestions before the workshop. This will assist authors to get their work ready to pitch during the one-on-one appointments, and submit to agents and editors with confidence following the workshop.
First 10 Page Evaluation with an Editor:
Authors are encouraged to register for an in-depth editorial evaluation of the first ten pages of their manuscript ($70) from one of our guest Editors. (Agents with significant editing experience are also participating). You may also request a 10 minute appointment with the evaluator to review the Evaluation, discuss the comments, ask questions, and brainstorm issues ($100). The benefit of setting up an appointment with the Evaluator is that we guarantee that you get to meet with the person who reviewed your manuscript. The pages are e-mailed to the evaluator in advance, so that authors receive feedback, tips, and suggestions before the workshop if possible. This will assist authors to get their work ready to pitch during the one-on-one appointments, and submit to agents and editors with confidence following the workshop.
Perfecting Your Synopsis: Mini-Book Camp (Part 2):
Authors may register in advance to participate in this mini-bootcamp specifically designed to help authors draft, organize, and polish their synopsis to perfection. This segment of our workshop is structured into three parts. Part 1: Authors submit their synopsis for evaluation and comments from literary agents. Part 2: is this scheduled slot during the workshop on Saturday. The group will meet for an hour and a half to participate in a hands on workshop section presented by Saritza Hernandez. The presentation includes detailed information on how to properly draft a synopsis, what should be included and what must be excluded in order to make your story shine on one to two pages. After the presentation the participants break out into smaller groups and will work with attending agents and editors as well as their peers to evaluate and perfect their synopsis. Part 3: After the workshop the students will have up to 10 days to make edits and incorporate feedback as needed to get their synopsis in its best shape. Once complete authors are encouraged to e-mail the synopsis to the reviewing agent again for final feedback. Separate registration is required in advance (see the registration form. $90) due to very limited space and to ensure that all 3 Parts of the mini-bootcamp are properly completed. This section is included in the Author-Preneur VIP Package.
Coaching Session or Consultation:
Authors may sign up for a coaching session or a consultation with Marisa Corvisiero upon request. Appointments are in 15 minute increments ($50) per time slot. Appointments may be before, during, or after the workshop, in person, on the phone or via Skype. Consultation topics may range on everything from brainstorming, to specific material review, to career strategy to contracts and more.
VIP Registration:
Special registration allows authors to spend personal time with the faculty and organizers, and are invite into our VIP Author Community. This is a program for authors that are serious about their craft and goals, and that they are willing to work hard, learn and help others... because after all, that's what a community is about. This isn't just a service, it's an experience and an opportunity to learn and forge connections with agents, editors, and other authors that will help you grow and succeed. We believe that the best type of success is the type that allows you to live your dreams with friends in gratitude and generosity. Christmas Gifting Discount SALE $680!!!.
- Exclusive VIP treatment on Friday September 27, 2019. Afternoon Tea in private setting to meet, greet, consult and brainstorm with organizers and faculty. Followed by fun night on the town (Red Bank) and dinner. (Possibly more added on, stay tuned)
- Query Letter Critique
- Evaluation of their first 10 pages and an appointment with the evaluator, or evaluation of their non-fiction proposal and appointment with evaluator
- Perfecting Your Synopsis - 3 Part Mini-Bootcamp
- Unlimited Pitch appointments live or via Skype with any and all agents and editors of their choice once
- Consultation Session one on one with Marisa Corvisiero
- Access to Corvisiero VIP Author Community Group on Facebook (You will be given access as soon as your registration is confirmed so that you can get acquainted)
- Special discounts to other CLA events and programs
The Faculty: Meet the Professionals
Alec Shane, Literary Agent at Writers House
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Alec began his career at Writers House as an intern in September of 2008 and simply refused to leave, so he was given the wonderful job of Assistant to Jodi Reamer. He is now also in the process of actively building his own list and currently represents a fairly eclectic mix of Children's and Adult fiction and nonfiction. He is eagerly looking for both. Follow Shane on Twitter: @alecdshane Seeking: On the fiction side, I love mysteries, thrillers (although I'm experiencing a bit of terrorist fatigue at the moment), bad-ass protagonists with a chip on their shoulders, beautifully told historical fiction (The Vietnam War, the Maccabees, and The American Revolution fascinate me in particular),well-researched adventure stories, and great horror - I haven't been scared to turn off the light in far too long and something needs to be done about it. In terms of children's books, getting boys to read again is especially important to me, and thus I'm particularly on the lookout for a fun middle-grade adventure series, ghost story, or anything else geared toward younger male readers. On the nonfiction side, I'm attracted to odd, quirky histories, military history, biographies of people I didn't even know existed (but definitely should have), "guy" reads, humor, narrative nonfiction that sheds light on under-the-radar events and lifestyles, and all things sports. I'm also currently up in the air as to whether or not I believe in ghosts, hauntings, and the supernatural, so if you have something that can convince me one way or the other, I'd love to see it. |
Caitlen Rubino-Bradway, Literary Agent at LKG Agency
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC I joined the LKG Agency in 2008, thereby disproving the theory that no English major ever does anything with their degree. Before that I worked at another literary agency, Don Congdon Associates, where I had the behind-the-scenes thrill of seeing Kathryn Stockett’s The Help first come in (and getting one of the first reads). And before that I was getting my Masters in English and Publishing from Rosemont College. I have enjoyed my apprenticeship under Lauren very much, and I am now actively looking to build my own list, which includes (after a surprisingly minimal amount of begging and pleading on my part), securing Lauren’s agreement to open the agency to considering middle grade and young adult fiction. In my spare time, I am an author in my own right (or is that write?). My first book, Lady Vernon and Her Daughter, which I co-wrote with my mother, was released by Crown in 2009. We also contributed to Jane Austen Made Me Do It, published by Ballantine in 2011. My first middle grade novel, Ordinary Magic, was published by Bloomsbury Children’s in 2012. Find Caitlen on Twitter: @Cate_RB Seeking: For Middle Grade and Young Adult - magical realism; fantasies that take new twists on old stories; contemporaries that deal with the tricky emotions, issues, and relationships kids face at that age with honesty, humor, and heart. Bonus points if it involves magic or a bakery in some way. I'm always looking for that book with a great hook, that pulls me in so deep I miss my subway stop because I can't stop reading. For Non-Fiction - practical, how-to proposals from knowledgable professionals, specifically those on beauty, health, parenting, and lifestyle. Quirky, fun memoirs that offer a new story I haven't read before. |
Cate Hart, Literary Agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Cate has been with the Corvisiero Literary Agency for four years. She works with clients to build their platform, works on PR projects to help promote clients’ books, and reads manuscripts with an editorial eye. Cate represents young adult and middle-grade fiction, select commercial adult fiction, contemporary and historical romance, and nonfiction in the areas of history and pop culture. Follow Cate on Twitter: @CateHart Seeking: Cate seeks unique stories with well-crafted plots and unforgettable characters with a strong voice. She loves characters that surprise her and plots that keep her guessing until the very last page. In adult fiction, she is actively looking for Romantic Suspense. She loves FBI agents, Special Law Divisions, Cyber Crime. She'd love a caper or heist romance, sexy and stylized like To Catch a Thief or fun and adventurous like Ocean's 11. She would love to find Historical Romance set in the Gilded Age, give her a swoon-worthy Fifth Avenue Tycoon or Knickerbocker. She is also looking for contemporary fantasy and especially magical realism. She is looking for adult and children's nonfiction specifically in the areas of lesser known or quirky historical facts and forgotten people of importance. She prefers pop culture nonfiction centered around music and film, and Nashville and unique Southern culture. In Middle Grade, she accepts all genres, but is drawn to stories of strong bonds of friendship, or mischief and adventure. Cate prefers more high-concept, commercial young adult, especially fantasy, fairy tale and classics retellings, mystery and thrillers, and historical fantasy. As always, Cate welcomes all diverse stories and authors. |
Eva Scalzo, Literary Agent at Spielburg Literary Agency
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Eva Scalzo was born in New Jersey, but has lived in Houston, Buenos Aires, San Juan, and Boston before settling down outside of Binghamton, New York. She has a B.A. in the Humanities from the University of Puerto Rico and a M.A. in Publishing and Writing from Emerson College. She has worked in a variety of publishing roles at Houghton Mifflin, Blackwell Publishing, John Wiley & Sons and Cornell University over the course of her career. Eva has been reading romance since the fifth grade when she discovered the Sweet Valley High series. On inheriting her grandmother's collection of vintage Harlequin Romances, she promptly set about filling the gaps, and her goal is to someday finish reading all the treasures. One last fun fact: if you've been reading this bio and pronouncing Eva's name with a long E sound, you've been saying it wrong. Follow Eva on Twitter: @evascalzo Seeking: Romance, all subgenres except inspirational. I love angst, but I also want characters who know how to communicate with each other. Young Adult, all subgenres except historical, must also have a strong romantic subplot. #OwnVoices, multicultural, diverse characters and voices. |
Dr. Melissa Koberlein, Professor at Northampton Community College
Melissa is an author and professor of communication studies and publishing She has been teaching for over twenty years. She also coaches new authors in independent publishing. Her podcast, The Indie Chicks, celebrates, reviews, and teaches writers about independent publishing. When she's not teaching students about public speaking and publishing pathways, she's writing. Her passion for stories comes from an imaginative childhood where every day ended with a book. She enjoys reading and writing about the spectacular, sci-fi, technology, and romance. Her YA trilogy, Fireflies, melding romance and light science fiction is a fun and quirky allegory for the future of nanotechnology. Follow Melissa on Twitter at @melkoberlein |
Katherine Prosswimmer, Acquisitions Editor at Sourcebooks
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Kate Prosswimmer is an Associate Editor at Sourcebooks, where she has worked for more than four years. She acquires across children’s fiction from picture books through young adult books. She’s had the privilege of working with some truly wonderful people, including Zoraida Cordova, author of the critically acclaimed Brooklyn Brujas series; Jen Calonita, author of the popular Fairy Tale Reform School series and the forthcoming Royal Academy Rebels series; and Jess Keating, author of the award-winning picture book, Shark Lady. Learn more at Follow Kate on twitter: @kap212 Seeking: Kids books ranging from board books through young adult, both series and standalone titles. On the younger side (toddler through chapter books), I prefer strong emotional hooks and humorous stories featuring quirky, imaginative characters. For everything else, I love unique and diverse perspectives, moral ambiguity, high-stakes situations (physical or emotional), unusual settings, and meticulous and tangible world-building. I’m drawn to stories that feature neuro-diversity, nature and science themes, bands of misfits, unreliable narrators, and stories that make the ordinary feel extraordinary. |
Kelly Peterson, Literary Agent at Corvisiero Literary Agency
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) A recent graduate of West Chester University, she earned her B.S.Ed. in English and went to pursue a career in teaching. When not working as a book nerd, Kelly can be found dancing, hiking, riding horses, perfecting her yoga technique, blogging, and writing her own manuscript. If you're lucky, you might even be able to catch her flying around the world, saving lives. She is superwoman after all! Though she reads various genres of Middle Grade, Young Adult, and New Adult novels, her true weakness is for YA Fantasy. More recently, Steampunk has quickly crept up the charts in her heart as well. With books, there's just something about strong female main characters holding their own against the world, in an environment that Kelly could never, in her wildest dreams, find herself living within. It tears at her heart and pulls at her soul, especially when the main character finds that she never needed another to complete her in the first place. Follow Kelly on Twitter: @LitAgentKelly Seeking: MG: Fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-fi. YA: Fantasy (all sub genres of fantasy accepted), Steampunk, Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Historical (19th century and earlier with strong heroines), Dystopian (hold the cyborgs, the scorch, and diseases, please), Sword and Sorcery, a very selective few for Contemporary Romance, and any combination of the above with strong, female main characters. NA: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance (Cowboys, anyone? Sexy and somewhat geeky entrepreneur? Celebrity? Yes?), Historical Romance, or any combination of the above. Adult: Fantasy, Romance. |
Laura Apperson, Editor at St. Martins (Macmillan)
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Laura is an editor at St. Martin’s Press/Wednesday Books in New York, NY. She hails from Atlanta, GA, and graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in English and minors in Music and French. At SMP, she has worked on a wide range of projects, from literary fiction to currents events to memoir. She was a reporter before deciding that she wanted to work with brilliant journalists and writers in a different capacity—to make books that will last forever. In her free time, you can find her devouring as many books as she can, working on her novel, traveling somewhere new, or playing flute with her community orchestra in Brooklyn. Follow Laura on Twitter: @LCatAp Seeking: Laura is seeking character-driven narratives addressing real-life, everyday issues and/or current events and social issues. It's important that readers can identify with characters they see in books—so, diversity is a huge plus. Nonfiction: Narrative, memoir, health/lifestyle, cookbooks. Adult and YA fiction: Literary, upmarket/commercial, contemporary, women's, magical realism. |
Lexi Smail, Editor at Grand Central Publishing (Hachette)
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Lexi graduated from Wagner College with a B.A. in English and a minor in Film and Media Studies. With dreams of becoming a glamorous New York magazine writer (à la Kate Hudson in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days), Lexi spent a semester interning as an entertainment writer for Luckily, that stint did not live up to her very high expectations so she decided to try publishing. After interning with Penguin, Lexi became an Editorial Assistant for Hachette Nashville. In 2016 Lexi joined Grand Central Publishing where she is an Assistant Editor. Follow Lexi on Twitter: @lexi_smail Seeking: Lexi mainly works on romance novels and has edited the RITA-nominated Let it Snow by Jeanette Grey as well as some other sexy stories featuring dukes, cowboys, football players, and bad boy musicians. When she isn’t spending time with her book boyfriends you can find her in Brooklyn where she’s likely at an outdoor café trying to blend in with the hipsters. As a fan of tortured heroes, funny heroines, and happily-ever-afters, Lexi is looking for romance in all sub-genres and women’s fiction with a strong romantic element. She is particularly interested in indie voices on the rise and angsty emotional romances in the vein of Colleen Hoover, Nicole Jacquelyn, and Renee Carlino. |
Reiko Davis, Literary Agent at DeFiore and Company Literary Management
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Before joining DeFiore in early 2016, Reiko Davis was an associate agent at Miriam Altshuler Literary Agency for four years. She grew up in Kansas City, received her BA in Comparative Literature and Art History from Brown University, and is a graduate of the Columbia Publishing Course. Reiko’s interests are varied, but she is particularly drawn to adult literary and upmarket fiction, narrative nonfiction, and young adult and middle grade fiction. Above all, she wants to discover books that surprise and move her with their irresistible characters and language. Find Reiko at @reiko_davis Seeking: She loves a strong narrative voice; smart, funny heroines; narrowly located settings (especially towns in the South and Midwest); family sagas; darkly suspenseful novels; and stories of remarkable friendships or that explore the often perilous terrain of human relationships. For children’s books, she is actively looking for young adult and middle grade fiction—whether it be contemporary, historical, fantasy, or simply a story with a timeless quality and vibrant characters. For nonfiction, she is most interested in cultural, social, and literary history; fascinating tours through niche subjects; narrative science; psychology; guides on creativity; and memoir. |
Saritza Hernandez, Sr. Literary Agent at the Corvisiero Literary Agency
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) Saritza is known as the first literary agent to represent authors in the digital publishing landscape. While continuing to seek traditional publishers for her authors, Saritza is the leading literary agent in digital publishing deals. An avid coffee-drinker with a Kindle book obsession, she enjoys a steaming cup of strong Cuban coffee every morning while reading an erotic contemporary romance or action-packed science fiction adventure. A strong advocate of the GLBT community, she enjoys fresh voices in Young Adult and New Adult genre fiction. Follow Saritza on Twitter: @epubagent Seeking: Saritza is actively acquiring upmarket women’s fiction and romance in adult and young adult market as well as horror, science fiction/fantasy, and mystery/thriller/suspense. In the Adult romance market, she's particularly interested in #OwnVoices contemporary romance stories featuring persons of color cowboys/vaqueros, intercultural relationships, small-town contemporary romances and historical romance set in 19th century America and the Caribbean. Would also love to see a historical romance set in 1920s through 1940s or during the 1980s in the South, specifically. Small town male/male romantic comedies are her jam! She’s also looking for hard science fiction romance (space opera, interplanetary adventure with a romance story at its core). She is also also looking for Adult and YA Horror with a focus on works that twist a classic trope into a contemporary setting and gothic horror with classic monsters reimagined. Science Fiction/Fantasy with a focus on works that blend the genres in new and inventive ways; where magic and science collide. Thriller/Suspense with a focus on psychological thrillers that really mess with your mind. Mystery and Crime fiction with that whodunit you're chasing to uncover in a small town or metropolis. In the YA romance market, she's always looking for stories featuring POC main characters in all kinds of romance settings. In the GLBTQIA market, she's always looking for more romance (both sweet and erotic) featuring characters who identify as "queer." |
Stacey Graham, Literary Agent at Red Sofa Agency
(Accepting Pitch Appointments) TBC Stacey Graham comes to us from the other side of the literary blanket, as an author of four books, multiple short stories, as a screenwriter, ghostwriter, and editor. She loves working with writers at all stages of their careers and will use her experience in authorship to help navigate the sometimes crazy waters of publishing for her clients. She currently lives outside of Washington, D.C. with her husband and five children. She considers the resulting nervous tick from her children to be charming. Follow Stacey on Twitter: @StaceyiGraham Seeking: Middle-grade with a great voice — especially funny and/or spooky. MG/YA/Adult: Nonfiction — looking for fun, quirky, fascinating topics with commercial appeal. Adult: Romance.Special requests: Would love to see projects on--
We are in the process of confirming the faculty for this date. If a person has a (TBC) next to their name, this means that their attendance isn't confirmed yet. Note that some of the Corvisiero Agents will take pitches Via Skype only.
We may also add more agents and editors, so stay tuned!
We may also add more agents and editors, so stay tuned!
Blessings Bags:
The Corvisiero Literary Agency in conjunction with The Blessing Bag Brigade of NJ are collecting travel sized toiletries and snacks for Blessing Bags to be distributed to help the homeless in nearby locations by the Blessing Bag Brigade. Kindly bring any donations desired, if you’d like to lend a hand. (Optional)
The Corvisiero Literary Agency in conjunction with The Blessing Bag Brigade of NJ are collecting travel sized toiletries and snacks for Blessing Bags to be distributed to help the homeless in nearby locations by the Blessing Bag Brigade. Kindly bring any donations desired, if you’d like to lend a hand. (Optional)
Early Registration: Registration is now open! You can register early at a discounted price of $185 for a limited time! Early registration expires on June 1st.
Registration for this invaluable workshop is $220 (Christmas Gifting Discount 20% off - Register today only for $176.00 *Excludes other services and may not be used in conjunction with any other sales.) for all participants. Early registration is strongly advised as space is limited at this beautiful sought after location at the Oyster Point Hotel in Red Bank, NJ.
VIP Registration: Registration is now open for this Exclusive experience, which includes special events, outings, meals, networking and ALL workshop services and meals. Authors may join our VIP Community by filling out the VIP Registration form (button above) designed to help us learn more about you, your needs, your level, and your goals. Space is limited to 10 authors. As VIP Member authors will receive the Registration to the workshop as well as all of the services and perks of the workshop. Registration price $850. Christmas Gifting Discount $680!!! (May not be used in conjunction with any other sales.)
We offer student and group discounts. To get your student discount register using your university e-mail address and type in Code 20%offSTU. To register as a group, you can register individually using one of your last names as the name of your party plus GroupD in the code. In other words type "GD[partyname]20%off" into the Code section of the form. A 20% discount will be granted to students and parties of three or more.
We offer Scholarships to qualified applicants! You can win a chance to attend this workshop for free. See Scholarship Details. Scholarship includes Registration, two Pitch Appointments with an editor and or agent of author's choice, Breakfast and Lunch. Winner will be announced on Monday October 1st.
Authors may register by clicking the button below or by e-mailing our coordinator Christine at [email protected]. You may also use this e-mail if you have any questions, need special arrangements, or would like to pay by check. Please indicate the name of the Agent and/or Editor of your choice for your appointments if you would like to schedule a pitch and/or evaluation appointments in the registration form (check off all that apply on the form), or let us know what services you would like to register for on your e-mail. Thank you!
Early Registration: Registration is now open! You can register early at a discounted price of $185 for a limited time! Early registration expires on June 1st.
Registration for this invaluable workshop is $220 (Christmas Gifting Discount 20% off - Register today only for $176.00 *Excludes other services and may not be used in conjunction with any other sales.) for all participants. Early registration is strongly advised as space is limited at this beautiful sought after location at the Oyster Point Hotel in Red Bank, NJ.
VIP Registration: Registration is now open for this Exclusive experience, which includes special events, outings, meals, networking and ALL workshop services and meals. Authors may join our VIP Community by filling out the VIP Registration form (button above) designed to help us learn more about you, your needs, your level, and your goals. Space is limited to 10 authors. As VIP Member authors will receive the Registration to the workshop as well as all of the services and perks of the workshop. Registration price $850. Christmas Gifting Discount $680!!! (May not be used in conjunction with any other sales.)
We offer student and group discounts. To get your student discount register using your university e-mail address and type in Code 20%offSTU. To register as a group, you can register individually using one of your last names as the name of your party plus GroupD in the code. In other words type "GD[partyname]20%off" into the Code section of the form. A 20% discount will be granted to students and parties of three or more.
We offer Scholarships to qualified applicants! You can win a chance to attend this workshop for free. See Scholarship Details. Scholarship includes Registration, two Pitch Appointments with an editor and or agent of author's choice, Breakfast and Lunch. Winner will be announced on Monday October 1st.
Authors may register by clicking the button below or by e-mailing our coordinator Christine at [email protected]. You may also use this e-mail if you have any questions, need special arrangements, or would like to pay by check. Please indicate the name of the Agent and/or Editor of your choice for your appointments if you would like to schedule a pitch and/or evaluation appointments in the registration form (check off all that apply on the form), or let us know what services you would like to register for on your e-mail. Thank you!
We've received more than just a few kudos...
Take a look at what some of our Workshop Participants are saying!
Red Bank, NJ October 13, 2018
Gift Certificates Available
In the spirit of generosity, we are pleased to announce that we offer Gift Certificates for purchase.
These gift certificates may be used for any of our Workshops and services.
A Gift Certificate may be purchased for any desired amount by clicking the button below and following instructions.
In the spirit of generosity, we are pleased to announce that we offer Gift Certificates for purchase.
These gift certificates may be used for any of our Workshops and services.
A Gift Certificate may be purchased for any desired amount by clicking the button below and following instructions.
We look forward to meeting you all in person and embarking on your journey toward success together...
Dream big and expect miracles!
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Dream big and expect miracles!
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Congratulations to October 2018 Scholarship Winners!
Congratulations to our full scholarship winners Ashleigh P Meyer, Joseph Sprenger, and Rachel Berros!!
Congratulations to partial scholarship winners Rachel Brick, Renee Hurteau, and Elizabeth Carroll.
© 2018 Corvisiero Literary Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.