Craig HoltCraig Holt’s short stories, flash fiction, and essays have been published in Hippocampus Magazine, Cutleaf Journal, Psychopomp Magazine, and elsewhere. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, the Best of the Net anthology, and Best American Short Stories. His first novel, Hard Dog to Kill, won the Independent Publishers Book Award gold medal. He earned his MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars, and recently completed the BookEnds fellowship program, where he enjoyed the mentorship of Susan Scarf Merrell and Meg Wolitzer.
He is the founder of a specialty coffee importing company, and his working life also included stints as an expedition leader, screenwriter, lumberjack, gillnet fisherman, and standup comedian. Craig lives in Seattle with his incredible wife, in an old house full of books. The two things he fears most in this world are sharks and clowns. Represented by: Mira Landry |