Kayla ArnettiKayla Arnetti lives in a small town in New Jersey, nestled within a few acres of land, only a short drive to her favorite coffee shops. Her love of books began at her local library, where she would never leave with a sole novel, but the entire series stacked in her young hands. Kayla received her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts (Highest Honors) in Writing at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. While studying, she mastered manuscript editing for her peers and found that is where she thrived. She became a confidante and tool used in/out of workshops for great writings of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.
Kayla will devour any novel with a hint of romance–but her favorites are romantasy, contemporary romances, and the occasional historical romance. Kayla is interested in strong writing that makes her feel something–if she’s crying, screaming, and rolling on the floor in laughter; magic is happening. She loves an authentic voice that finds new ways to elevate genre writing. Some of her favorite authors are Sarah J Maas, Rebecca Yarros, Emily Henry, and Abby Jiminez. In her spare time, Kayla is either reading on her Kindle with little care for her eyes, editing a fellow writers’ manuscript, or drawing with her daughter. |